Classic JRPG Music Pack // Tiny Pack
A downloadable asset pack
Rest! presents...
The mythical and almighty Blue Dragon wakes up from its hibernation in the Great Mountain after 1000 years of deep sleep.
The chiefs of all the regions of the kingdom meet to decide the steps to follow. They decide to organize a tournament to select the most skilled magician apprentices on the whole island. The newly awakened dragon, its movements are slow and erratic, there is still time to train the young winning magicians and fight the unstoppable wrath of the Blue Dragon...
Welcome! This is Ancient Dragon my first big pack of musical assets. This time music tracks and stingers. These tracks are the perfect fit for most RPGs / JRPGs. Used imaginatively they can cover a wide range of events and places.
There are a total of 3 packs with different tracks and stingers, making a total of 26 musical pieces at your disposal. The packs are categorized in different tiers for your convenience and for the size of your project.
In this pack:
- 5 tracks + 2 stingers.
- A reference document with the name and duration of each piece.
All the pieces in the 2 main audio formats generally used: OGG and MP3.
All the music is ready for looping.
Listen the tracks of this pack:
About the Collection:
The main tracks are divided in 5 categories:
-Town themes (3 tracks): ideal for towns, cities or villages. Places where tranquility reigns.
-Travel themes (3 tracks): ideal for overworld maps and places where players need to explore.
-Dungeon themes (3 tracks): ideal for background in dungeons, tense passages or places where battles can occur.
-Battle themes (3 tracks): ideal for battles with minor enemies or stressful situations.
-Boss battle themes (2 tracks): ideal for major enemies, final bosses or important dramatic points.
Also one track for this other events:
-Holy theme: ideal for sacred environments and temples.
-Main Menu theme: ideal for menus and options. A new adventure Begins!
-Credits theme: ideal for the credits roll or closing points.
And stingers for:
-Victory (3 stingers)
-Defeat (3 stingers)
-Battle Transition (2 stingers)
-Secret (1 stinger): ideal for chests and secret areas.
Totaling 26 pieces to use in your game!
You can find the other packs here:
By purchasing you support the creation of more assets!
All music was composed by Rest! (Ricardo Cuello)
Ancient Dragon - Classic JRPG Music Pack by Ricardo Cuello is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
CC BY-SA 4.0
What does this mean?
This means that you can use this music for personal or commercial purposes in one or more titles, you can make musical derivated works from it (remixes, cutting parts, etc) BUT those derivated works get the same license CC BY-SA 4.0 and you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
When using the music, please put the corresponding credits in your game. Don't be a bad guy. I don't like bad guys... nobody likes a bad guy.
With putting my name is fine.
Aditionally, if you put my webpage, bandcamp site or itchio asset page on the credits, you are the best. I'm going to give you a hug.
AND... if you put also my logo, my god.. you deserve multiple hugs, a coffee, and you will have my eternal gratitude. Thank you!
My name:
Rest! (Ricardo Cuello)
My pages:
Images used by:
Background Tileset: https://pita.itch.io/rpg-overworld-tileset Follow this really cool artist.
Dragon Sprite: Internet
If you liked the music you just heard consider following me on social networks to find out about the next releases!
- My Bandcamp: https://rest--vgmusic.bandcamp.com/follow_me
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PkRichar
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgpy9Nz1AczqTxoCR5RJA1A
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richar_rest/
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rest-vgmusic
If you liked, there is an album version (Lossless WAV) of this music here:
Other Packs and soundtracks:
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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Hello Rest! I've used your magnificent music in my first-in-a-while game: Fox Tower
Sorry it's not a jrpg of any kind, but I was really searching for this kind of vibe in music and your "Ancient Dragon" was first music asset pack that 100% suited me.
Much love!
I love it!
I can use and I can sell my game on EpicStore or itch.io or steam or any site use your ambients? Of course I give you credit. I promise you
please forgive me. I am really so sorry... Its Your Original Work (Please don't think bad Idea I am afraid for copyrights)?
Hi Dangar,
Yes, you can! As long as you put the corresponding credits (Attribution), and if you change the material, the result has to be under the same license (ShareAlike).
You can check the license here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/#
Hope that helps. Have a nice day!
Thank you so much! I wish you GOOD LUCK!
You awesome person
I promise you I give you credit and supported you
I am really so gladly meeting you
So I cant use this in my public non-commercial project...?
Yes, you can! As long as you put the corresponding credits (Attribution), and if you change the material, the result has to be under the same license (ShareAlike).
You can check the license here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/#
Hope that helps. Have a nice day!
Thank you for your reply!